


SKU: K00010015A

External fixator radiolucent circular and hybrid kit suitable for patients up from 25kg in weight

SKU: C00040021A

Contenitore per impianti e strumenti per TTA porosa.

SKU: M00080001A
(0 Reviews)

For dorsal positioning of the patient during surgical procedures.

SKU: P00020002A
(0 Reviews)

Lexan top for surgical table is radiolucent and can be removed from the base

SKU: C00100001A
(0 Reviews)

Porous titanium cylinder to support areas with bone loss.

SKU: F00020182A
(0 Reviews)

Negative-threaded K-wires offer a stronger anchor due to their ability to screw in securely.

SKU: P00060005A
(0 Reviews)

Drill bit for pins or screws engineered to provide unmatched precision and reliability during surgical procedures.

SKU: C00040025A

Container for rail external fixator kit

SKU: A00020016A
(0 Reviews)

Radiotransparent carbon ring for external fixation

SKU: K00010001B

Mini linear radiolucent fixator kit is indicated for the treatment of patients up to 5 kg

SKU: I00020087A
SKU: S00040015A
(0 Reviews)

Il distrattore mini AM è utile in tutte quelle circostanze in cui ci siano le indicazioni per eseguire una distrazione micrometrica progressiva. La facilità di applicazione, la semplicità di utilizzo anche da parte del proprietario e il peso e dimensioni ridotte lo rendono particolarmente indicato per i pazienti di piccola taglia. In situazioni specifiche, può anche essere utilizzata la sua funzione complementare, cioè la compressione progressiva.

SKU: U00010039A
(0 Reviews)

Bender direct connection

SKU: C00040034A

Contenitore autoclavabile OstiLok per placche, viti e strumenti.

Last items in stock
SKU: C00090017A
(0 Reviews)
SKU: C00040027A

SKU: U00010035A
(0 Reviews)

The dynamometric screwdriver is designed to apply a repeatable torque to the locking screws.

SKU: S00040008A
SKU: I00030147A

The wedge 6.3 for X-Porous TTA represents a major development for the implants of the procedure.

SKU: V00040043A

Orthopedic screw used to stabilize the plate to the tibia and to the tibial crest

SKU: V00040051A

Orthopedic screw used to stabilize the plate to the tibia and to the tibial crest

SKU: I00020111A
(0 Reviews)

For osteotomy cut radius of 18mm or more and patients weighing up to 15 kg

SKU: I00020110A
(0 Reviews)

For osteotomy cut radius 18 mm or more and patients weighing up to 15 kg.

SKU: T00010015A
(0 Reviews)

The table has up-down and trendelemburg movements with single pedalboard.

SKU: T00010014A
(0 Reviews)

Table with a pair of front stabilizers that increase stability.

SKU: P00020001A

Stainless steel top for surgical table can be removed from the base.

SKU: M00080002A
(0 Reviews)

For dorsal positioning of the patient during surgical procedures.

SKU: E00010003A
(0 Reviews)

Table extension to increase the table top surface

SKU: M00010015A
(0 Reviews)

Anodized blue universal clamp for easy coupling of all accessories to the surgical table

SKU: F00010001A
(0 Reviews)

Patient retention band during traction

SKU: P00040001A

It is used with belts or chains for sensitive positions.

SKU: C00030002A
(0 Reviews)

The traction belt is used for performing skeletal traction on distal limb segments, i.e. radius-ulna and tibia. 

SKU: G00010003A
(0 Reviews)

Hook for anchorage and tensioning of the patient retention bands.

SKU: S00020001A
(0 Reviews)

The traction stirrup is used for performing skeletal traction on the proximal limb segments, i.e. humerus and femur.

SKU: S00030006A
(0 Reviews)

Dynamometer to measure the force applied during skeletal traction.

SKU: P00030004A
(0 Reviews)

Dorsal positioner for a stable dorsal recumbency of cats and dogs