


SKU: K00010006A
(0 Reviews)

External circular and hybrid fixator suitable for patients up from 10 to 40 kg in weight

SKU: K00010007A
(0 Reviews)

Maxi hybrid aluminum fixator kit suitable for patients weighing more than 25 kg

SKU: U00010033A

Screwdriver for locked hexagonal screws Ø 2,00 mm

SKU: D00010018a
(0 Reviews)

M6 nut used for Wire/pin clamp and Double-purchase post

SKU: D00010008a

Dado M6 alluminio utilizzato per fissare il morsetto fissafilo e bandierina commerciale.

SKU: I00020081A
(0 Reviews)

This locking plate (PS16-100) is designed to resist the weight bearing loads of less than 10 kg

SKU: I00020113A
(0 Reviews)

This locking plate (PM16-100) is designed to resist the weight bearing loads of a 20 kg to 40 kg patient

SKU: I00020114A
(0 Reviews)

This locking plate (PM16-100) is designed to resist the weight bearing loads of a 20 kg to 40 kg patient.